Monday, May 10, 2010

Changed "Negro" to "Black", Changing "Slavery" to” "Slave System"

We need to stop everyone from saying our forefathers and mothers were slaves. They were in a Slavery System. The Slavery System was created to keep you thinking a certain way. Our ancestors felt like most human beings but the Slavery System controlled them like they were inhuman. If you are a Black person, just picture yourself in the beginning of the Slavery System time and I am sure you will say that you did not feel like a “Slave” but you definitely felt how the Slavery System controlled every aspect of your life.

Well we can change this aspect of the Slavery System and it’s not that difficult. Just start telling everyone whom you talk to that you don’t use the words “Slave” or “Slavery”, you use “Slave System” or Slavery System”.

I know this method works because that’s what we did to the word “Negro” in the 60’s. We stopped saying “Negro” and said “Black People”. We can say what to call our Ancestors; no one outside of our race can define us. How can someone else say what to call our forefathers and mothers better than we can?

Do not hesitate to begin this process right now by going to my website to let me know you are with me and sign in to the box at top of page to get a detailed description of the Slavery System and also I will keep you informed of our progress.

Some of Your Comments

Gicela Matos:
I like the fact that you are doing something about the words that still take away some or our freedoms today. I am a person of African decent, whom has ancestors that were taken from West Africa and brought by Spain to be put in a Slave System of Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Much of my family has been very affected until this day by discrimination. Discrimination must end and what you are doing makes an impact and may help to end prejudices worldwide someday. Thank you.

Karen Forest
I appreciate your passion for the positive in your request that we replace the word slave with Slavery System. Yesterday, I used your suggestion when I emailed a friend about my dad’s trip to Africa and described how overwhelmed he was as he visited the places that our ancestors were forced into the Slavery System instead of saying that they became slaves.

Regine Beauboeuf
I really hope you do visit our Florida Memorial University campus. As an inventor, entrepreneur and someone who seeks to empower, you have much wisdom to share with a school that has lived through all types of trials to grow and change the lives of so many. Plus FMU has a School of Education and produces many teachers. The "Slave System" message should resonate strongly here.
Best wishes. I'll stay tuned to the newsletter.

Dr Cov
Racism is a large institution that permeates our cultural institutions and is like a chameleon in that it adapts to the socio-cultural environment by altering its expression, but it is always there. The inequities are best understood in the context of systemic race biases which have always favored Whiteness as the structure for informing thinking and decision-making in our society.

I welcome your comments