Sunday, April 09, 2006

I have invented and patented a combination comb/brush for Black textured hair. The last time a comb was conceived for Black textured hair was in Africa, today it is called the pick. An ivory comb (pick) can be viewed in the Nubia Museum in Aswan, Egypt. That comb is over 5,000 years old. You may view my patented comb/brush at

Because I am very culturally aware, Idea and Knowledge responsible, (that's what it takes to create a product like the Kakakiki KombBrush) it should be the image that represents these traits. That's why I have also decided to start a MOVEMENT. I know for a fact that everyday I use the Kakakiki KombBrush it makes me think, act and speak positively. The MOVEMENT is to place a FREE Kakakiki KombBrush in every Black household in America. You out there who understand or feel what I am doing should act now by going to my website and ordering a FREE comb/brush for yourself, family and friends. If you read my website home page, text and copy it for family and friends then you will be taking the first steps of Knowledge, Ideas & Positive Speak MOVEMENT. OAKLAND IS MOVING FORWARD.
"Copyright' 2006" Edward Howard

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